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Actions: September 26, 2001

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01-0926-MO1 Motion to Close *Adopted
01-0926-MO2 Motion Re: Payment for Football Classic Tickets *Adopted

Reports from the General Counsel

Reports from the General Counsel

01-0926-AR3 Authorize Retention of the Law Firm Flynn & Jones *Adopted
01-0926-AR4 Authorize Retention of Alan S. King, Esq. to Provide Consultant Services to the Bureau of Labor Relations *Adopted
01-0926-AR5 Authorize Continued Retention of the Law Firm Tressler, Soderstrom, Maloney & Priess *Adopted
01-0926-AR6 Authorize Continued Retention of the Law Firm Franczek Sullivan, P.C. *Adopted
01-0926-AR7 Authorize Continued Retention of the Law Firm Earl L. Neal & Associates, L.L.C. *Adopted
01-0926-AR8 Authorize Continued Retention of the Law Firm Goldberg, Kohn, Bell, Black, Rosenbloom & Moritz, Ltd. *Adopted
01-0926-AR9 Approve Settlement Agreement in Stevenson v. 51风流, et al., No. 00 L 2153 *Adopted
01-0926-AR10 Approve Hearing Officers Finding that Pupil was a Non-Resident of the City of Chicago Not Entitled to Attend the Chicago Public Schools on a Tuition-Free Basis During the 2000-2001 School Year *Adopted

Reports from the Chief Executive Officer

Reports from the Chief Executive Officer

01-0926-EX3 Warning Resolution - Paula Carmack, Teacher, Perez Elementary School *Adopted
01-0926-EX4 Warning Resolution - Marianne Dougleris, Teacher, Chicago High School for Agriculture *Adopted
01-0926-EX5 Warning Resolution - Wesley Sawyer, Teacher, Nancy B. Jefferson Alternative School *Adopted
01-0926-EX6 Warning Resolution - Steven Hara, Former Principal, Richard J. Daley Academy *Adopted
01-0926-EX7 Request for Dismissal of Samuel Alicea, School Bus Aide, Blaine School *Adopted
01-0926-EX8 Request for Dismissal of Elizabeth Gonzalez, Nurse, Blair Elementary School *Adopted
01-0926-EX9 Request for Dismissal of Steven Kalble, Engineer, Piccolo Specialty School *Adopted
01-0926-EX10 Report of the Results of the Board of Educations Review of the Findings of Fact and
Recommendation of the Hearing Officer Regarding the Charges Preferred Against Judith Lieberman, a Teacher Assigned to Boone Elementary School
01-0926-EX11 Request for Dismissal of Yvette Norton, School Assistant, Ray Graham Center *Adopted
01-0926-EX12 Report Regarding Garry Vogel, a Tenured Teacher Assigned to Juarez High School, and His Failure to Request an Illinois State Board of Education Hearing *Adopted
01-0926-EX13 Principal Contracts (A) (Brewer-Baker; Carlson; Karvelas; Stewart; Winston) *Adopted
01-0926-EX14 Principal Contracts (B) (Ravid) *Adopted
01-0926-EX15 Appoint Director of the Contracts Investigation Unit - Office of the Inspector General (Sheila C. Riley) *Adopted
01-0926-EX16 Appoint Selected Members of the CEOs New Management Team (Almendarez; Buckney;
Cooke; Durbak; Espinoza; Fu; Greenleaf; Harnedy: McGowan; Medina; Nicholich;
Nowaczewski; Rendon; Rocha; Roderick; Shanahan; Whitmore)
01-0926-EX17 Adjust the Salary of the First Deputy Chief Technology Officer, Office of Technology Services (Walter O. Briggs) *Adopted
01-0926-EX18 Adjust the Salary of the Assistant Director of the Infant Toddler Program at the National
Teachers Academy (Barbara Abel)
01-0926-EX19 Approve Entering into an Agreement with the University of Chicago, on Behalf of the Consortium on Chicago School Research, for Consulting Services (Dr. John Q. Easton) *Adopted

Reports from the Chief Operations Officer

Reports from the Chief Operations Officer

01-0926-OP15 Disposition of Bids Received for the Sale of Land Located at 3035 West School Street *Adopted
01-0926-OP16 Authorization to Pay Final Just Compensation Award to Acquire 1717-59 North Kostner for
the Construction of a New High School to Relieve Overcrowding at Kelvyn Park High School
01-0926-OP17 Authorization to Purchase 239 West 103rd Street for the Construction of a New Langston
Hughes/Davis Developmental School
01-0926-OP18 Authorization to Purchase 214-216 West 103rd Street for the Construction of a New Langston
Hughes/Davis Developmental School
01-0926-OP19 Authorization to Purchase 221-223 West 103rd Street for the Construction of a New Langston Hughes/Davis Developmental School *Adopted
01-0926-OP20 Authorization to Purchase 226 West 103rd Street for the Construction of a New Langston
Hughes/Davis Developmental School
01-0926-OP21 Authorization to Purchase 237 West 103rd Street for the Construction of a New Langston
Hughes/Davis Developmental School
01-0926-OP22 Authorization to Pay Final Just Compensation Award to Acquire 3322 West 5th Avenue for the
Construction of Marshall - Faraday Campus Park
01-0926-OP23 Authorization to Pay Final Just Compensation Award to Acquire 8422 South Racine for the
Construction of a New Paul Cuffe Math, Science and Technology School

Non-delegable board reports that require member action


01-0926-RS1 Resolution Re: Terrorist Attacks on the United States of America Adopted
01-0926-RS2 Resolution Re: Chicago Urban League Youth Celebration Day Adopted
01-0926-RS3 Resolution Re: October 2001 Disability Awareness Month Adopted
01-0926-RS4 Resolution Re: Oracle Financial and HRMS System Conversion *Adopted
01-0926-RS5 Resolution Regarding Members of a Reserve Component of the Armed Forces of the United States Called to Active Duty in Connection with Terrorist Attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon *Adopted
01-0926-RS6 Resolution Authorize Payment of Premium for Chicago Public School Municipal and Laborers Retirees *Adopted
01-0926-RS7 Resolution Approving Changes to the Budget of the Capital Improvement Program for the
Chicago Public Schools
01-0926-RS8 Resolution Request City Council to Convey to the Chicago Public Library a Portion of the
Property at Oriole Park Elementary School for the Purposes of Constructing a New Branch Library
01-0926-RS9 Resolution Requesting the Public Building Commission to Implement the Skill Builders Chicago
Trade Preparation Program and Identifying Fund for Said Purpose
01-0926-RS10 Resolution Request the Public Building Commission of Chicago to Undertake the Construction of a New Field Area School Adopted
01-0926-RS11 Resolution Request the Public Building Commission of Chicago to Undertake the Construction
of a New McNair Area School
01-0926-RS12 Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of General Obligation (Alternate) Bonds of the Board of
Education of the City of Chicago, in an Aggregate Principal Amount Not to Exceed $500,000,000,Pursuant to the School Code and the Local Government Debt Reform Act
01-0926-RS13 Amend Resolution 00-1115-RS2 Resolution Providing for the Issuance of General Obligation
(Alternate) Bonds (Qualified Zone Academy Projects) of the Board of Education of the City of Chicago


01-0926-PO1 Amend Board Report 97-1217-PO1, Adopted December 17, 1997: Policy on Student Travel *Adopted
01-0926-PO2 Amend High School Promotion Policy Withdrawn


01-0926-RU1 Amend Board Rules 2-5.1, 2-16, 5-4.1, 5-10, 5-10.1 and 5-12 *Adopted


01-0926-CO1 Communication Re: Location of Board Meeting of October 24, 2001 Ella Flag Young, 1434 North Parkside Avenue Chicago, IL 60651 *No action

Report from the Office of the Board

01-0926-BD1 Approve the Renewal of the Existing Agreement with Office Management Advisors (OMA) for Records Management Services Adopted

Report from the Inspector General

01-0926-IG1 Amend Board Report 01-0725-IG1 Approve Exercising of the First Option to Renew the
Subscription Agreement with {{Database Technologies, Inc.}} Choicepoint Business and
Government Services, Inc. for the Use of Databases

Report from the Chief Executive Officer

01-0926-EX1 Transfer of Funds (Various Units and Objects) Adopted

Report from the Chief Education Officer

01-0926-ED1 Report on Student Expulsions for August 2001 Adopted

Reports from the Chief Operations Officer

01-0926-OP1 Ratify a Lease Agreement with A & B Tobacco, Inc. for Rental of Space at 125 South Clark Street Adopted
01-0926-OP2 Ratify a Lease Agreement with Rashmi-Tara, Inc. d/b/a U.S. Photo and Smoothie Center for Rental of Space at 125 South Clark Street Adopted

Reports from the Chief Purchasing Officer

01-0926-PR6 Approve Exercising the First Option to Extend the Agreement with the City of Chicago's
Department of Fleet Management for the Purchase of Fuel
01-0926-PR1 Summary Report of Bid Solicitation Agreements (Department of Procurements and Contracts)(Bureau of Purchasing) Adopted
01-0926-PR2 Approve Exercising the First Option to Renew the Agreement with School Specialty, Inc. for the Purchase of Educational Supplies Adopted
01-0926-PR3 Approve Payments Made to Copier Vendors and Accept and Ratify Copier Contracts with Various Vendors for Various Schools Adopted
01-0926-PR4 Ratify the Award of Construction Contracts and Ratify or Approve Changes to Construction Contracts for the Board of Educations Capital Improvement Program Adopted
01-0926-PR5 Amend Board Report 99-0922-PR13 Amend Board Report 99-0825-PR65 Approved on
August 25, 1999 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Servicemaster, U.S. Equities Asset Management, Sodexho Globetrotters Joint Venture, Louis Jones-Tishman Midwest for
Consulting Services
01-0926-PR7 Rescind Board Report 01-0822-PR11 and Ratify an Agreement with Dunbar Armored, Inc., for Armored Car Services *Adopted
01-0926-PR8 Amend Board Report 01-0124-PR7 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Arthur Andersen LLP for Consultant Services Adopted
01-0926-PR9 Ratify the Renewal of an Existing Agreement with SBC Datacomm (Formerly Known as Ameritech Advanced Data Technology Systems of Illinois, Inc.) for the Purchase of the Cisco Hardware, Software and Maintenance Agreements for the Wide Area Network for the Chicago Public Schools Adopted
01-0926-PR10 Approve the Renewal of an Existing Agreement with Blackwell Consulting Services, LLC for
Consulting Services
01-0926-PR11 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Bronner Group, LLC for Consulting Services Adopted
01-0926-PR12 Amend Board Report 01-0627-PR18 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Catalyst Consulting Group, Inc. for Designing, Configuring and Implementing a Student Information Reporting Repository Adopted
01-0926-PR13 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Cinap, Inc. for Software and Consulting Services Adopted
01-0926-PR14 Amend Board Report 01-0627-PR19 Amend Board Report 01-0221-PR6 Ratify an Agreement with Diversified Telecommunications, Inc. for Consultant Services Adopted
01-0926-PR15 Amend Board Report 00-0927-PR28 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Edge Technological Resources, Inc. for Consultant Services Adopted
01-0926-PR16 Amend Board Report 01-0627-PR20 Amend Board Report 01-0328-PR12 Approve Entering Into an Agreement of the Existing Agreement with EMC Corporation for the Purchase of Additional Hardware and Maintenance Related to the New Student Scheduling Software Adopted
01-0926-PR17 Ratify the Exercising of the Option to Renew the Existing Agreement with Harvest Technologies, Inc. for Consulting Services Adopted
01-0926-PR18 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Merant, Inc. for Software and Consulting Services Adopted
01-0926-PR19 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with NJW Technology Solutions for Consulting Services Adopted
01-0926-PR20 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Noetix, Inc. for Software and Consulting Services Adopted
01-0926-PR21 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Oracle Corporation for Consulting Services *Adopted
01-0926-PR22 Approve the Renewal of an Existing Agreement with Sm@rt Technology Services, Inc. for Help Desk and Break-Fix Services Adopted
01-0926-PR23 Amend Board Report 01-0425-PR6 Approve Entering Into an Amendment of the Existing Agreement with SRV Network, Inc. For Consultant Services Adopted
01-0926-PR24 Approve Exercising the Option to Renew the Agreement with SRV Network, Inc. for
Consulting Services
01-0926-PR25 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with McKeon & Associates for Consulting Services Adopted
01-0926-PR26 Approve Exercising the Option to Renew the Agreement with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois
for Health Care Administrative Services
01-0926-PR27 Approve Exercising the Second Option to Renew the Employee Group and Voluntary Life
Insurance Agreement with Prudential Life Insurance Company of America
01-0926-PR28 Authorize the Placement of Excess Commercial Crime Insurance Through Arthur J. Gallagher
and Company
01-0926-PR29 Authorize the Renewal of the Voluntary Group Long Term Disability Insurance for CPS Employees with Standard Insurance Company Adopted
01-0926-PR30 Approve Exercising the Option to Renew the Agreement with Humana Health Chicago, Inc. to
Provide Health Maintenance Organization Services
01-0926-PR31 Approve Exercising the Option to Renew the Administrative Agreement with Magellan Behavioral Health to Provide Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Program Adopted
01-0926-PR32 Approve Contract with Steven Nemerovski for Consulting Services *Adopted
01-0926-PR33 Approve Entering Into an Allied Health Program Affiliatation Agreement with Holy Cross Hospital Adopted
01-0926-PR34 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with the Chicago Youth in Aviation Project, Inc. for
Consulting Services
01-0926-PR35 Ratify Practical Nursing Program Agreements with Various Hospitals Adopted
01-0926-PR36 Authorize Payments to Selected Vendors that Provide Materials and Services to Non-Public
Schools in Chicago Pursuant to Various Federal Entitlement Programs
01-0926-PR37 Amend Board Report No. 01-0725-PR26 Approved on July 25, 2001 Ratify an Agreement with the Chicago Algebra Project for Consulting Services Adopted
01-0926-PR38 Authorize the Participation of 70 High Schools in the Academic Decathlon Competition Program and Authorize Travel and Other Expenses Related to the Program Adopted
01-0926-PR39 Amend Board Report 01-0221-PR17 Ratify an Agreement with Bernard Hodes Group for
Consulting Services
01-0926-PR40 Amend Board Report 00-1115-PR19 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Government
Assistance Program for Consulting Services
01-0926-PR41 Amend Board Report 01-0221-PR18 Ratify an Agreement with Art=s Investigations and Security Inc. for Fingerprinting Services Adopted
01-0926-PR42 Approve Payment to Broadway in Chicago, LLC to Provide Catering Services and Space Rental at the Ford Center for the Performing Arts, Oriental Theatre for the New Teacher Convocation 2001 Adopted
01-0926-PR43 Amend Board Report 01-0328-PR33 Approve Tuition Payments to St. Xavier University, DePaul University, Roosevelt University, and Dominican University for Teachers Taking Reading Courses Through the Reading Enhancement Action Plan for Professional Development Services Adopted
01-0926-PR44 Approve Exercising the Second Option to Extend the Pre-Qualification Status of 126 Museums
and Cultural Institutions
01-0926-PR45 Ratify Entering Into Agreements with Various Agencies for Early Childhood Educational Adopted
01-0926-PR46 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Arthur Reynolds for Consulting Services Adopted
01-0926-PR47 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with the United Neighborhood Organization of Chicago for Consulting Services Adopted
01-0926-PR48 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Stefanie Gehrig for Consulting Services Adopted
01-0926-PR49 Approve Entering Into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Chicago Department of Public Health Regarding School-Linked Dental Services Adopted
01-0926-PR50 Approve Exercising the First Option to Renew the Agreement with Governors State University for Special Education Course Work (Project Star) Adopted
01-0926-PR51 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Rush Neurobehavioral Center for Consulting Services Adopted
01-0926-PR52 Amend Board Report 01-0523-PR47 Authorize Tuition Payments to Various Universities for the CPS Prep Program Adopted
01-0926-PR53 Amend Board Report 00-0628-PR72 Approve the Pre-Qualification Status of Vendors to Provide Musical Instruments Adopted
01-0926-PR54 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with the Band Mans Company for the Purchase of Marching Band Uniforms Adopted
01-0926-PR55 Authorize the Purchase and Approve Payment of CTA Fare Cards and Transfers Adopted
01-0926-PR56 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Nancy J. Mans for Consulting Services Adopted
01-0926-PR57 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Christine LaRue for Consulting Services Adopted
01-0926-PR58 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Judith Rosenblum for Consulting Services Adopted
01-0926-PR59 Approve Payment to Davis and Davis Associates for Consulting Services Adopted
01-0926-PR60 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 58 on Behalf of Malcolm X College for Consulting Services Adopted
01-0926-PR61 Approve Payment to the Peach Club/Gallery 312 for Consultant Services Adopted
01-0926-PR62 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Black & Black Associates for Consulting Services Adopted
01-0926-PR63 Approve Payment to Starbase Technology for the Purchase of Computer Equipment Adopted
01-0926-PR64 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Lawanda Darling for Consulting Services Adopted
01-0926-PR65 Ratify Agreements with Various Consultants to Provide Desegregation Implementation Services Adopted
01-0926-PR66 Approve Appointment and Entering Into an Agreement with Christine Holtz for Hearing Officer Services Adopted

Delegable Reports

Report from the Chief Executive Officer

01-0926-EX2 Amend Board Report 01-0627-EX2 Approved on June 27, 2001 Approve Entering Into an
Intergovernmental Agreement with the Illinois Department of Human Services for TANF/TANF MOE Federal Claiming Activities

Reports from the Chief Educational Officer

01-0926-ED2 Approve the Implementation of the APromoting Academically Successful Schools@ (PASS) Program at Clemente and Kelvyn Park High Schools Accepted
01-0926-ED3 Omnibus Report: Authorize the Acceptance of School-Based Grants Accepted
01-0926-ED4 Authorize the Acceptance of a Donation of Back-to-School Campaign Incentives and Media Production Services from TTJ Enterprises, LLC Accepted
01-0926-ED5 Omnibus Report: Authorize the Acceptance of Grants Accepted
01-0926-ED6 Authorize the Acceptance of Free Vision Care Services Accepted
01-0926-ED7 Authorize the Acceptance of a Donation of Services from the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Chicago Accepted
01-0926-ED8 Department of Human Resources Schedule of Basic Salaries Effective July 1, 2001 Accepted
01-0926-ED9 Amend the 2001-2002 Regular School Year Calendar Accepted
01-0926-ED10 Amend the 2001-2002 Regular and Year-Round School Calendars to Provide Restructured
School Days for Selected Attendance Centers
01-0926-ED11 Approve Sabbatical Leave for Kimberly Alamar Accepted
01-0926-ED12 Approve Sabbatical Leave for Debra Franklin Accepted
01-0926-ED13 Approve Sabbatical Leave for Louise Johnson Accepted
01-0926-ED14 Ratify and Approve Extension of a Special On-Loan Leave of Absence for Rudy J. Lubov Accepted
01-0926-ED15 Approve Sabbatical Leave for Roseann Mark Accepted
01-0926-ED16 Approve Sabbatical Leave for Sheryl Osborne-Warner Accepted
01-0926-ED17 Approve Sabbatical Leave for Sylvia Renteria Accepted
01-0926-ED18 Ratify and Approve a Special On-Loan Leave of Absence for Rachel Trimble Accepted
01-0926-ED19 Approve Sabbatical Leave for Mildred Walton Accepted
01-0926-ED20 Approve Sabbatical Leave for Cynthia Wojcieszek Accepted

Reports from the Chief Operations Officer

01-0926-OP3 Amend Board Report 00-0927-OP18 Approved September 27, 2000 Authorize the Acceptance of a School Construction Grant From the Illinois Capital Development Board Accepted
01-0926-OP4 Authorize License/Usage Agreements for Use of Various Sites to Operate Child Find Screening/
Outreach Activities
01-0926-OP5 Authorize the Acceptance of a School Construction Grant From the Illinois Capital Development Board Accepted
01-0926-OP6 Approve Entering Into a License Agreement with Chicago Sport and Social Club for Use of the
Various School Gymnasiums
01-0926-OP7 Ratify a Lease Agreement with Imperial Realty, Inc. for the Use of 4632 West Diversey Avenue Accepted
01-0926-OP8 Approve Entering Into a License Agreement with Metropolitan Community Church for the Use of the Space in Wendell Phillips High School Located at 244 East Pershing Road Accepted
01-0926-OP9 Approve Entering Into a License Agreement with Wells of Salvation Ministries and Dominion
Center for all Nations for Use of the Lyman Trumbull Elementary School Auditorium
01-0926-OP10 Approve Entering Into a License Agreement with Sports Monster Corporation for Use of the Lincoln Park High School Gymnasium Accepted
01-0926-OP11 Approve Entering Into a License Agreement with Sports Monster Corporation for Use of the Walk Disney Magnet School Gym and Dining Room Accepted
01-0926-OP12 Approve Entering into a License Agreement with System Parking, Inc. for Use of the Parking Lot at Louis J. Agassiz Elementary School Accepted
01-0926-OP13 Approve Entering Into a License Agreement with System Parking, Inc. for Use of the Parking Lot at Walt Disney Magnet School Accepted
01-0926-OP14 Approve Entering Into a Lease Agreement with the United States of America for Use of Land at
the Taft High School

Reports from General Counsel

01-0926-AR1 Workers Compensation - Payment for Lump Sum Settlements Accepted
01-0926-AR2 Report on Board Report Rescissions Accepted

New Business

01-0926-PR67 Amend Board Report 01-0627-PR29 Amend Board Report 00-0628-PR40: Approve Exercising the Second Option to Extend the Agreement with KPMG LLP for Internal Audit Services *Adopted
01-0926-PR68 Ratify the Exercising of the First Option to Renew the Agreement with Hettinger & Associates *Adopted
01-0926-PR69 Ratify Entering into Agreements with Various Consultants for Industrial Hygiene Professional Services for the Capital Improvement Program *Adopted
*Presented at the meeting

I, Susan J. Narrajos, Secretary, do hereby certify that the reports listed and the action noted opposite each report number is correct and reflects the order in which items were presented to the Board.

Susan J. Narrajos