Actions: June 27, 2012
Non-delegable board reports that require member action
12-0627-MO1 | Motion to Hold a Closed Session | *Adopted |
Reports from the General Counsel
12-0627-AR3 | Authorize Continued Retention of the Law Firm Franczek Radelet P.C. | *Accepted |
12-0627-AR4 | Authorize Continued Retention of the Law Office of Sabrina L. Haake | *Accepted |
12-0627-AR5 | Authorize Continued Retention of the Law Firm Pugh Jones Johnson & Quandt, P.C. | *Accepted |
12-0627-AR6 | Authorize Continued Retention of the Law Firm Shefsky & Froelich, Ltd. | *Accepted |
12-0627-AR7 | Workers' Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for Lilia Cano – Case No. 09 WC 638 | *Adopted |
12-0627-AR8 | Personal Injury – Authorize Payment of Settlement for Nancy Cantu – Case No. 10 L 008292 | *Adopted |
12-0627-AR9 | Workers' Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for Charlene Reed – Case No. 03 WC 19336 | *Adopted |
12-0627-AR10 | Proposed Settlement of Illinois Department of Public Health's Code-Violation Charges | *Adopted |
12-0627-AR11 | Approve Payment of Proposed Settlement with Gail Kay and Chicago Teachers Pension Fund | *Adopted |
12-0627-AR12 | Approve Payment of Proposed Settlement Regarding John Whitfield | *Adopted |
12-0627-AR13 | Approve Settlement of Joseph Washington et al. Grievance Numbers: 4823/12-08-007 and 44831/12-08-148 | *Adopted |
12-0627-AR14 | Personal Injury – Authorize Payment of Settlement for Michael Carlson, Jr., Individually, and as Special Administrator of the Estate of Katelyn Carlson, Deceased, and Maria Ignacio-Carlson – Case No. 12 L 2914 | *Adopted |
12-0627-AR15 | Debarment of Dr. George E. Smith; MPI, Inc., d/b/a Management Planning Institute, Diversified Behavioral Services, Inc.; the Institute for Positive Child and Family Development, Inc.; ED's Investment Management – Real Estate, Inc., and DBCC Organization | *Adopted |
Reports from the Chief Executive Officer
12-0627-EX11 | Ratify Tentative Agreements for July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2015 Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the Board of Education of the City of Chicago and Service Employees International Union, Local No. 73 | *Adopted |
12-0627-EX12 | Warning Resolution – Douglas Bartlett, Tenured Teacher, Washington Irving Elementary School | *Adopted |
12-0627-EX13 | Warning Resolution – Brent Bradish, Tenured Teacher, Albert G. Lane Technical High School | *Adopted |
12-0627-EX14 | Warning Resolution – Charles Brown, Tenured Teacher, Ira F. Aldridge Elementary School | *Adopted |
12-0627-EX15 | Warning Resolution – Anthony Cable, Tenured Teacher, Foreman High School | *Adopted |
12-0627-EX16 | Warning Resolution – Bernadine Harris, Tenured Teacher, Chicago Vocational Career Academy | *Adopted |
12-0627-EX17 | Warning Resolution – Donna Kurzynski, Tenured Teacher, Lake View High School | *Adopted |
12-0627-EX18 | Warning Resolution – Marquitta Swanigan-McGowan, Tenured Teacher, Virgil Grissom Elementary School | *Adopted |
12-0627-EX19 | Adopt Finding that Pupils are Non-Residents of the City of Chicago Indebted to the Chicago Public Schools for Non-Resident Tuition | *Adopted |
Reports from the Board of Education
12-0627-BD1 | Transfer and Appoint General Counsel (James Bebley) | *Adopted |
12-0627-RS15 | Resolution by the Board of Education of the City of Chicago Regarding the Dismissal of Darlyn Pruitt, Tenured Teacher, Assigned to Lewis Elementary School | *Adopted |
12-0627-RS16 | Resolution Approving Chief Executive Officer's Recommendation to Dismiss Educational Support Personnel | *Adopted |
12-0627-RS17 | Resolution Approving Chief Executive Officer's Recommendation to Dismiss Probationary Appointed Teachers | *Adopted |
12-0627-RS18 | Resolution Authorizing the Honorable Termination of Regularly Certified and Appointed Teachers | *Adopted |
12-0627-MO2 | Motion Re: Adopt and Maintain as Confidential Closed Session Minutes From May 23, 2012 | *Adopted |
12-0627-MO3 | Motion Re: Approval of Record of Proceedings of Meeting Open to the Public May 23, 2012 | *Adopted |
12-0627-RS1 | Resolution Honoring Rachel Garza Resnick Chief Labor Relations Officer | Accepted |
12-0627-RS2 | Resolution Honoring Dr. Richard G. Smith Chief Officer, Special Education and Supports | Accepted |
12-0627-RS3 | Resolution Honoring Dr. Isabel Mesa-Collins Chief of Schools, O'Hare Elementary Network | Accepted |
12-0627-RS4 | Resolution Honoring Daryl J. Okrzesik, Controller | Accepted |
12-0627-RS5 | Resolution Honoring Patrick J. Rocks General Counsel to the Board of Education of the City of Chicago | Accepted |
12-0627-RS6 | Resolution Re: Jessenia Martinez, Honorary Student Board Member, 51·çÁ÷ October 26, 2012 to June 27, 2012 | Accepted |
12-0627-RS7 | Resolution Authorizing Payment for Education Services to Various Drug Treatment and Other Residential Facilities for Student Placements Made by an Illinois Court or Illinois Public State Agency | Adopted |
12-0627-RS8 | Resolution Authorizing Payment for Special Education Services to Various Public and Nonpublic Facilities for Students with Disabilities Placed by Court Order or Illinois Public State Agency | Adopted |
12-0627-RS9 | Resolution Authorizing Payment for Special Education Services to Various Non-Partner, Non-Public Facilities for Students with Disabilities Placed by Chicago Public Schools | Adopted |
12-0627-RS10 | Resolution Authorizing Expenditures at Beginning of Fiscal Year 2013 | Adopted |
12-0627-RS11 | Resolution Re: Appointment of Student Representatives to High School Local School Councils for the Term of Office Commencing July 1, 2012 | Adopted |
12-0627-RS12 | Resolution Re: Appointment of Non-Teaching Staff Representatives to Local School Councils for the Term of Office Commencing July 1, 2012 and Ending June 30, 2014 | Adopted |
12-0627-RS13 | Resolution Re: Appointments to Fill Seats on Appointed Local School Councils and Military Boards of Governors for Term of Office Commencing July 1, 2012 | Adopted |
12-0627-RS14 | Resolution Re: Appointment of Teacher Representatives to Local School Councils for Term of Office Commencing July 1, 2012 and Ending June 30, 2014 | Adopted |
12-0627-PO1 | Adopt Student Code of Conduct for Chicago Public Schools for the 2012-2013 School Year | *Adopted as amended |
12-0627-PO2 | Adopt an Internet Safety Policy | *Adopted |
12-0627-CO1 | Communication Re: Location of Board Meeting of July 25, 2012 - 125 S. Clark Street (Board Chamber) | *No action |
Reports from the Chief Executive Officer
12-0627-EX1 | Transfer of Funds* *[Note: The complete document will be on File in the Office of the Board] | Adopted |
12-0627-EX2 | Approve Exercising the Option to Renew the Agreement with Illinois State Police for Background Check Services | Adopted |
12-0627-EX3 | Ratify Entering Into an Intergovernmental Agreement with Chicago Police Department Relating to the FY2012 Secure our Schools Grant | Adopted |
12-0627-EX4 | Amend Board Report 12-0425-EX9 Authorize Payment of Startup Funds and In-Kind Contributions to and Approve Entering Into Disbursement and Use of Startup Funds Agreements with Various Charter and Contract Schools | Adopted |
12-0627-EX5 | Approve Entering Into an Agreement with the Academy for Urban School Leadership to Provide Management Consulting Services and Professional Development Consulting Services (Dodge Renaissance Academy, The Chicago Academy, Tarkington School of Excellence, National Teachers Academy, Chicago Academy High School, Collins Academy High School, Orr Academy High School, Eric Solorio Academy High School, Bradwell School of Excellence, Curtis School of Excellence, Dulles School of Excellence, Howe School of Excellence, Johnson School of Excellence, Morton School of Excellence, Phillips Academy High School) | Adopted |
12-0627-EX6 | Approve Entering Into a School Management Consulting Agreement with the Academy for Urban School Leadership to Provide School Turnaround Services at John Harvard Elementary School of Excellence | Adopted |
12-0627-EX7 | Approve Entering Into a School Management Consulting Agreement with the Academy for Urban School Leadership to Provide School Turnaround Services at William T. Sherman Elementary School of Excellence | Adopted |
12-0627-EX8 | Approve Entering Into a Naval JROTC Program Agreement with The U.S. Department of the Navy for George Westinghouse High School | Adopted |
Reports from the Chief Education Officer
12-0627-ED1 | Approve the Chicago Public Schools' NCLB District Improvement Plan for the 2012-2012 and 2012-2013 School Years | Adopted |
12-0627-ED2 | Amend Board Report 12-0525-ED3 Approve Entering Into Agreements with Various Providers for High Quality Early Childhood Services | Adopted |
12-0627-ED3 | Approve Entering Into Agreements with Various Providers for High Quality Early Childhood Services | Adopted |
12-0627-ED4 | Authorize Tuition Payments to Various Colleges and Universities for Early Childhood Certification, Alternative Certification and Credential Programs | Adopted |
12-0627-ED5 | Authorize Tuition Payments to the Illinois Institute of Technology for Mathematics and Science Coursework | Adopted |
Reports from General Counsel
12-0627-AR1 | Authorize the Continued Retention of the Law Firm Neal & Leroy, L.L.C. | Adopted |
Reports from the Chief Procurement Officer
12-0627-PR1 | Approve Exercising the First Option to Renew the Agreement with City Year, Inc. for In-School and Out-Of-School Mentoring and Tutoring Services | Adopted |
12-0627-PR2 | Approve Exercising the Final Option to Renew the Agreement with Educational Ideas, Inc., DBA Ballard and Tighe Publishers (Ballard and Tighe) for the Purchase of Test Materials | Adopted |
12-0627-PR3 | Approve Exercising the Option to Renew the Agreements with Umoja Student Development Corporation and Educators for Social Responsibility for Advisory Implementation Services Responsibility for Advisory Implementation Services | Adopted |
12-0627-PR4 | Approve Entering Into Agreements with Various Vendors for Online Database Subscription Services | Adopted |
12-0627-PR5 | Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Cityspan for Consulting Services | Adopted |
12-0627-PR6 | Approve Exercising the Option to Renew the Agreement with Atlantic Research Partners, Inc. to Provide School and Network Performance Management Services | Adopted |
12-0627-PR7 | Approve Extending the Agreement with Phonak, LLC for the Purchase of Assistive Listening Devices | Adopted |
12-0627-PR8 | Approve Exercising the Second Option to Renew the Agreement with Stericycle, Inc. for Bloodborne Pathogens Supplies | Adopted |
12-0627-PR9 | Approve Exercising the Final Option to Renew the Agreement with Chalk, LLC for Consulting Services | Withdrawn |
12-0627-PR10 | Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Various Non-Public Specialized Schools to Provide Specialized Program Services | Adopted |
12-0627-PR11 | Approve Entering Into an Agreement with BioRidge Pharma, LLC for the Purchase of Epinephrine Auto Injectors | Adopted |
12-0627-PR12 | Approve Entering Into Agreements with Various Vendors for Social Emotional Learning Services | *Adopted as amended |
12-0627-PR13 | Approve Exercising the Second Option to Renew Agreements with St. Mark International Christian Church and New Life Covenant Pilsen Ministry to Provide Safe Haven Sites and Services | Adopted |
12-0627-PR14 | Approve Exercising the First Option to Renew the Agreement with Schoolworks | Adopted |
12-0627-PR15 | Approve the Award of Construction Contracts and Approve Changes to Construction Contracts for the Board of Education's Capital Improvement Program | Adopted |
12-0627-PR16 | Amend Board Report 11-0824-PR6 Approve Exercising the Option to Renew the Agreements with Frank Cooney and Lowery McDonnell Company for the Purchase of Office, Classroom and Library Furniture | Adopted |
12-0627-PR17 | Amend Board Report 12-0523-PR12 Amend Board Report 11-0622-PR12 Approve Exercising the First Option to Extend the Agreements for Student Transportation Services (School Bus Service) | Adopted |
12-0627-PR18 | Approve Exercising the Final Option to Renew the Agreements with Frank Cooney and Lowery McDonnell Company for the Purchase of Office, Classroom and Library Furniture | Withdrawn |
12-0627-PR19 | Approve the First Renewal Agreement with the American Bottling Company to Provide Vended Beverages in Chicago Public Schools | Adopted |
12-0627-PR20 | Approve Extending the Agreement with Harrison and Company for the Purchase of Early Childhood Furniture and Miscellaneous Children's Items | Adopted |
12-0627-PR21 | Approve Exercising the Option to Renew the Agreement with Dunbar Armored, Inc. for Courier Services | Adopted |
12-0627-PR22 | Amend Board Report 10-0526-PR7 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Relational Technology Services DBA Relational Technology Solutions (RTS) and Subsequently Assigned to Transcend United Technologies, LLC for Private Branch Exchange ("PBX"), Intuity Voicemail System, Conversant Systems and Related Call Center Components Hardware and Software Maintenance Services | Adopted |
12-0627-PR23 | Amend Board Report 11-1026-PR3 Approve Exercising the First Option to Renew the Agreement with Maximus, Inc. | Adopted |
12-0627-PR24 | Approve Exercising the Annual Option to Renew Technical Support with Oracle America, Inc. | Adopted |
12-0627-PR25 | Approve Exercising the Annual Option to Renew the Agreement With Transcend United Technologies LLC for Application Maintenance and Programming Support Services | Adopted |
12-0627-PR26 | Approve Exercising the First Option to Renew the Agreement with Dell Marketing, L.P. Dell Financial, Sentinel Technologies (Cisco), Inc. and Vion Corporation (Hitachi) for the Purchase and/or Lease of Network Servers | Adopted |
12-0627-PR27 | Approve Exercising the Final Option to Renew the Agreement with Know-How, Ltd. for Software Development and Maintenance Services | Adopted |
12-0627-PR28 | Approve Exercising the First Option to Renew the Agreement with Oracle America, Inc. | Adopted |
12-0627-PR29 | Approve Exercising the Second Option to Renew the Agreement with Kronos Incorporated for Software and Hardware Maintenance | Adopted |
12-0627-PR30 | Renew the Agreement with NCS Pearson Inc. for the Purchase of Student Information Systems Software License | *Adopted as amended |
12-0627-PR31 | Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Gartner, Inc. for Consulting Services | Adopted |
12-0627-PR32 | Approve Extending the Agreement with Blackwell Global Consulting, LLC to Provide Enterprise Data Movement and Management Services | Adopted |
12-0627-PR33 | Approve Extending the Agreement with Third Sight Technologies Corporation | Adopted |
12-0627-PR34 | Approve Extending the Agreement with Versi Fit Software LLC | Adopted |
12-0627-PR35 | Approve Exercising the Option to Renew the Agreement with CDW Government (CDW-G) for the Purchase of Software Resale and Support Services and Products | Adopted |
12-0627-PR36 | Approve Exercising the Option to Renew the Agreement with Hallagan Business Machines, Ricoh Usa, Inc. and Xerox Business Services for the Sale and Lease of Output Device Equipment and Related Services | Adopted |
12-0627-PR37 | Approve Exercising the Second Option to Renew the Agreements with Various Vendors and Leasing Agents for the Purchase and Lease of Desktop and Laptop Computers, and Associated Services | Adopted |
12-0627-PR38 | Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Zipcar Inc. for Car Sharing Services | *Adopted as amended |
12-0627-PR39 | Approve Entering Into Agreements with Various Vendors to Provide Safe Passage Services for Designated Neighborhoods | Adopted |
12-0627-PR40 | Amend Board Report 12-0425-PR19 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with American Healthways Services, LLC for Professional Services | Adopted |
12-0627-PR41 | Approve Exercising the First Option to Renew the Teacher Referral and Support Agreement with Teach for America | Adopted |
12-0627-PR42 | Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Accurate Biometrics for Fingerprinting Equipment and Services | Adopted |
12-0627-PR43 | Approve Entering Into an Agreement with True North Logic to Provide Performance Evaluation Software and Implementation Services | Adopted |
12-0627-PR44 | Approve Extending the Agreement with the Alain Locke Initiative F/K/A/ Inner-City Teaching Corps of America for Education Support Services | Adopted |
Reports from the Chief Education Officer
12-0627-ED6 | Report on Student Expulsions for May 2012 | Accepted |
12-0627-ED7 | Amend Board Report 12-0328-ED3 Adopt Track E School Year Calendar for 2012-13 School Year | Accepted |
Reports from the Chief Administrative Officer
12-0627-OP1 | Ratify the Renewal of the Lease Agreement with the University of Chicago Charter School for a Portion of Wadsworth Elementary | Accepted |
12-0627-OP2 | Approve Renewal of Lease Agreement with Chicago Charter School Foundation (Chicago International Charter School) ChicagoQuest for Lease of the Truth School | Accepted |
12-0627-OP3 | Approve Renew Lease Agreement with Christine Rockwell for Use of Parking Lot at 941 N. Orleans Street for Payton High School | Accepted |
12-0627-OP4 | Approve Renewal of License Agreement with the Vietnamese Association of Illinois for Use of Parking Lot at 5017 N. Winthrop Ave for Goudy School | Accepted |
12-0627-OP5 | Approve Month-To-Month Renewal of Lease Agreement with 850 W. Jackson for Lease of Space for the Office of the Inspector General | Accepted |
12-0627-OP6 | Approve Renewal of License Agreement with River Edge Properties for Use of Parking Lot at 943 N. Orleans St for Payton High School | Accepted |
12-0627-OP7 | Approve the Renewal of the License Agreement with Union Baptist Church for the Use of Parking Lots by Walter Payton High School and Salazar Elementary School | Accepted |
Reports from the Chief Executive Officer
12-0627-EX9 | Principal Contracts (A) (New) | Accepted |
12-0627-EX10 | Principal Contracts (B) (Renewal) | Accepted |
Reports from the General Counsel
12-0627-AR2 | Report on Board Report Rescissions | *Accepted as amended |
*Presented at the meeting
I, Susan J. Narrajos, Secretary, do hereby certify that the reports listed and the action noted opposite each report number is correct and reflects the order in which items were presented to the Board.
Susan J. Narrajos