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Actions: April 23, 2008

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Non-delegable board reports that require member action


08-0423-MO1 Motion to Close *Adopted

Reports from the General Counsel

08-0423-AR3 Authorize Continued Retention of the Law Firm Franczek Sullivan, P.C. *Accepted
08-0423-AR4 Workers’ Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for Clifford Johnson - 97 WC 51975 through 97 WC 51983 and 00 WC 26215 *Adopted
08-0423-AR5 Workers’ Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for James Johnson - 02 WC 32690 *Adopted
08-0423-AR6 Workers’ Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlement, with Lien Waiver, for Louise Mangum – 04 WC 45081 *Adopted
08-0423-AR7 Property Tax Appeal Refund – Authorize Settlement for Marsulex Chemtrade Logistics, Inc.’s PTAB Appeal Regarding Certain Properties for Tax Years 2003-2005 *Adopted

Reports from the Chief Executive Officer

08-0423-EX9 Principal Contracts (B) *Adopted
08-0423-EX10 Transfer and Appoint Talent Management Officer, Department of Human Resources, (Monica Rosen) *Adopted
08-0423-EX11 Transfer and Appoint Employee Services Officer, Department of Human Resources, (Veenu Verma) *Adopted
08-0423-EX12 Warning Resolution – Gloria Cortes, Principal, Agustin Lara Academy *Adopted
08-0423-EX13 Warning Resolution – Deborah Edwards-Clay, Principal, Brian Piccolo Elementary School *Adopted
08-0423-EX14 Warning Resolution – Clifton Hunt, Principal, Richard J. Oglesby Elementary School *Adopted
08-0423-EX15 Warning Resolution – Patricia Markstone, Tenured Teacher, Gresham Elementary School *Adopted
08-0423-EX16 Warning Resolution – Marie Miles, Principal, Chicago Vocational Career Academy *Adopted
08-0423-EX17 Warning Resolution – Susan Weston, Tenured Teacher, Coles Model for Excellence School *Adopted
08-0423-EX18 Warning Resolution – Darreyl Young-Gibson, Principal, Percy Julian High School *Adopted

Reports from the Board of Education

08-0423-RS23 Resolution Approving Chief Executive Officer’s Recommendation to Dismiss Educational Support Personnel *Adopted
08-0423-RS24 Resolution Approving Chief Executive Officer’s Recommendation to Dismiss Probationary Appointed Teachers *Adopted
08-0423-RS25 Resolution Approving Chief Executive Officer’s Recommendation to Dismiss/Non-Renew Probationary Appointed Teachers at the End of the 2007-2008 School Year *Adopted
08-0423-RS26 Resolution Authorizing the Honorable Termination of Regularly Certified and Appointed Teachers *Adopted


08-0423-RS1 Resolution Re: Gwendolyn Brooks College Prep High School Winners of the Public League’s 2008 Large Varsity Cheer Championship Accepted
08-0423-RS2 Resolution Re: Hope College Prep High School Winners of the Public League’s 2008 Girls Basketball Championship Accepted
08-0423-RS3 Resolution Re: Lane Tech High School Winners of the Public League’s 2008 Boys Swimming Championship Accepted
08-0423-RS4 Resolution Re: Lane Tech High School Winners of the Public League’s 2008 Girls Bowling Championship Accepted
08-0423-RS5 Resolution Re: Lane Tech High School Winners of the Public League’s 2008 Wrestling Championship Accepted
08-0423-RS6 Resolution Re: Marshall High School Winners of the Public League’s 2008 Boys Basketball Championship Accepted
08-0423-RS7 Resolution Re: Mather High School Winners of the Public League’s 2008 Small Varsity Cheer Championship Accepted
08-0423-RS8 Resolution Re: Morgan Park High School Winners of the Public League’s 2008 Boys Bowling Championship Accepted
08-0423-RS9 Resolution Re: Morgan Park High School Winners of the Public League’s 2008 Large Varsity Pom-Pon Championship Accepted
08-0423-RS10 Resolution Re: Northside College Prep High School Winners of the Public League’s 2008 Small Varsity Pom-Pon Championship Accepted
08-0423-RS11 Resolution Re: Whitney Young High School High School Winners of the Public League’s 2008 Chess Championship Accepted
08-0423-RS12 Amend Board Report 02-1120-RS06 Resolution Amending the Tax-Deferred Compensation Program Adopted
08-0423-RS13 Amend Board Report 06-0628-RS74 Amend Board Report 03-1217-RS06 Resolution Request the Public Building Commission of Chicago to Undertake the Design and Construction of the Langston-Hughes/Davis Developmental Replacement Elementary School Adopted
08-0423-RS14 Resolution Request the Public Building Commission of Chicago to Undertake the Design and Construction of Avondale Irving Park Area Elementary School Adopted
08-0423-RS15 Resolution Request the Public Building Commission of Chicago to Undertake the Design and Construction of Boone Clinton Area Elementary School Adopted
08-0423-RS16 Resolution Request the Public Building Commission of Chicago to Undertake the Design and Construction of Brighton Park I Area Elementary School Adopted
08-0423-RS17 Resolution Request the Public Building Commission of Chicago to Undertake the Design and Construction of Lee Pasteur Hurley Elementary School Adopted
08-0423-RS18 Resolution Request the Public Building Commission of Chicago to Undertake the Design and Construction of Powell Replacement Elementary School Adopted
08-0423-RS19 Resolution Request the Public Building Commission of Chicago to Undertake the Design and Construction of the New Kelly Curie Gage Park High School Adopted
08-0423-RS20 Resolution Request the Public Building Commission of Chicago to Undertake the Design and Construction of SouthShore Replacement High School Adopted
08-0423-RS21 Resolution Authorizing Participation with the City of Chicago in 5-year School Building Accessibility Renovation Program, Including Negotiating, Executing and Delivering an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Chicago Adopted
08-0423-RS22 Resolution Re: Appointment of Teacher Representatives to the Local School Councils to Fill Teacher Representative Vacancies Adopted


08-0423-CO1 Communication Re: Location of Board Meeting of May 28, 2008 – 125 S. Clark Street (Board Chamber) *No action
08-0423-CO2 Communication Re: 2009 Capital Improvement Hearings *No action

Reports from the Chief Executive Officer

08-0423-EX1 Transfer of Funds* *[Note: The complete document will be on File in the Office of the Board] Adopted
08-0423-EX2 Designate Alexandre Dumas Elementary School as a Technology Magnet Cluster School, Change the School’s Educational Focus to a Technology Program and Change the School’s Name to Dumas Technology Academy Adopted
08-0423-EX3 Designate Edward F. Dunne Math, Science and Technology Academy as a Technology Magnet Cluster School, Change the School’s Educational Focus to a Technology Program and Change the School’s Name to Dunne Technology Academy Adopted
08-0423-EX4 Designate Anton Dvorak Math, Science and Technology Academy as a Technology Magnet Cluster School, Change the School’s Educational Focus to a Technology Program and Change the School’s Name to Dvorak Technology Academy Adopted
08-0423-EX5 Designate Nicholson Math and Science Elementary as a Technology Magnet Cluster School, Change the School’s Educational Focus to a Technology Program and Change the School’s Name to Nicholson Technology Academy Adopted
08-0423-EX6 Designate Spencer Math and Science Academy as a Technology Magnet Cluster School, Change the School’s Educational Focus to a Technology Program and Change the School’s Name to Spencer Technology Academy Adopted
08-0423-EX7 Approve Sabbatical Leave Agreement for Appointed Teacher, Mamie Smith, Medgar Evers Elementary Adopted
08-0423-EX8 Amend Board Report 07-1024-EX3 Amend Board Report 06-1220-EX3 Amend Board Report 06-0222-EX14 Approve the Renewal of the Charter School Agreement with L.E.A.R.N. Charter School *Adopted

Reports from the Chief Education Officer

08-0423-ED1 Report on Student Expulsions for March 2008 Adopted

Reports from the General Counsel

08-0423-AR1 Authorize Continued Retention of the Law Firm Holland & Knight, LLP Adopted

Reports from the Chief Purchasing Officer

08-0423-PR1 Approve the Award of Construction Contracts and Approve Changes to Construction Contracts for the Board of Education’s Capital Improvement Program *Adopted
08-0423-PR2 Approve Exercising the First Option to Extend the Agreement with KGI Landscaping Co. for Landscape Maintenance Services for Region 1 and Region 2 Adopted
08-0423-PR3 Approve Exercising the First Option to Extend the Agreement with Turf Care Landscaping, Inc. for Landscape Maintenance Services for Region 3, Campus Parks and Athletic Fields Adopted
08-0423-PR4 Approve Exercising the First Option to Extend the Agreement with Christy Webber & Company for Landscape Maintenance Services for Region 4, Region 5 and Region 6 Adopted
08-0423-PR5 Approve Exercising the Second Option to Extend the Agreement with RLD Resources, LLC for Consulting Services Adopted
08-0423-PR6 Amend Board Report 07-1024-PR7 Amend Board Report 07-0124-PR15 Approve Exercising the Third Option to Renew the Agreement with Blackwell Consulting Services for ProgramManagement Services for the Overall Management and Implementation of the Local Area Network Adopted
08-0423-PR7 Ratify an Agreement with the College Board for Springboard Program Licenses, Professional Development, Support Services, Materials and Equipment *Adopted
08-0423-PR8 Approve Exercising the Final Option to Renew the Agreement with International Baccalaureate North America for Consulting Services Adopted
08-0423-PR9 Approve Exercising the First Option to Renew the Agreement with Erikson Institute for the Consulting Services of Barbara T. Bowman Adopted
08-0423-PR10 Approve Exercising the Second Option to Renew the Agreement with America’s Choice, Inc. for Consulting Services Adopted
08-0423-PR11 Approve Exercising the Second Option to Renew the Agreement with Strategic Learning Initiatives for Consulting Services Adopted
08-0423-PR12 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Anderson Productions, Incorporated for Consulting Services Adopted
08-0423-PR13 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Cannon Cochran Management Services, Inc. forClaims Administration Services and Authorize Funding of Escrow Accounts Associated with these Services Adopted
08-0423-PR14 Approve Exercising the Second Option to Renew the Agreement with University of Chicago to Provide the Collegiate Scholars Program Adopted
08-0423-PR15 Ratify an Agreement with the University of California, Santa Cruz New Teacher Center for Consulting Services Adopted
08-0423-PR16 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc. for Claims Administration Services and Authorize Funding of Escrow Accounts Associated with these Services Adopted
08-0423-PR17 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with the Regents of the University of California, Santa Cruz New Teacher Center for Consulting Services *Adopted
08-0423-PR18 Approve Exercising the Second Option to Renew the Agreement with the University of Chicago, Center for Elementary Mathematics and Science Education for Consulting Services Adopted
08-0423-PR19 Amend Board Report 07-1114-PR21 Amend Board Report 07-0822-PR21 Approve Exercising the First Option to Renew the Agreements with Various Providers to Provide Social, Emotional and Educational Consulting Services (SEL #1) Adopted
08-0423-PR20 Approve Exercising the Second Option to Renew the Agreement with Relegent, LLC for the Purchase of Instructional Materials, Training and District Licenses Adopted
08-0423-PR21 Approve Entering Into Agreements with Various Private Cluster Schools to Provide Cluster Program Services Adopted
08-0423-PR22 Approve Entering Into Agreements with Various Providers to Provide Mental Health Services and Supports and/or School Health Resource Coordinators Adopted


Reports from the Chief Operating Officer

08-0423-OP1 Amend Board Report 08-0326-OP1 Approve Entering Into a Master License Agreement with Hispanic Housing Development Corporation and Approve Hispanic Housing Development Corporation’s Entry Into Sub-License Agreements with Various Health Care Providers for School- Based Health Centers at Five (5) Chicago Public Schools and Approve Entering Understanding with Into Memorandums of Hispanic Housing Development Corporation, Various Health Care Providers, Various Community Organizations and Local Initiatives Support Corporation and Approve the Various Sublicensees Entering Into Sub-Sublicense Agreements with Various Mental Health and Health Care Related Organizations Accepted
08-0423-OP2 Approve the Second Renewal of the Lease with Chicago Staffing Alliance for Rental of Space at 125 South Clark Street Accepted
08-0423-OP3 Approve the Renewal of the Parking License Agreement with Interpark, Inc. for Parking for Board Members and Employees Accepted

Reports from the Chief Education Officer

08-0423-ED2 Amend Board Report 08-0326-ED3 Adopt the 2008-2009 Year Round Calendars *Accepted

Reports from the General Counsel

08-0423-AR2 Report on Board Report Rescissions Accepted
*Presented at the meeting

I, Susan J. Narrajos, Secretary, do hereby certify that the reports listed and the action noted opposite each report number is correct and reflects the order in which items were presented to the Board.

Susan J. Narrajos