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Actions: April 25, 2001

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01-0425-MO1 Motion to Close *Adopted

Non-delegable board reports that require member action

Reports from General Counsel

01-0425-AR4 Authorize Continued Retention of the Law Firm Earl L. Neal & Associates, L.L.C. *Adopted
01-0425-AR5 Authorize Continued Retention of the Law Firm Bell Boyd & Lloyd *Adopted
01-0425-AR6 Amend Board Report 01-0221-AR7 Authorize Additional Expenditure of Funds for Court Appointed Monitor in the matter of Corey H. v. Board of Education of the City of Chicago,
et al. Case No. C 3409

Reports from the Chief Executive Officer

01-0425-EX10 Report of the Results of the Board of Education鈥檚 Review of the Findings of Fact and Recommendation of the Hearing Officer regarding the Charges Preferred against
Robert Cotto, a Teacher Assigned to Chase Elementary School
01-0425-EX11 Request for Dismissal of Lane Harper, Porter, Brunson School *Adopted
01-0425-EX12 Request for Dismissal of Nancy Moreno, School Assistant, Senn High School *Adopted
01-0425-EX13 Warning Resolution - Julius Anderson, Principal, Hughes Elementary School *Adopted
01-0425-EX14 Warning Resolution - James Breashears, Principal, Robeson High School *Adopted
01-0425-EX15 Warning Resolution - Mary Cage, Teacher, Walter Reed Elementary School *Adopted
01-0425-EX16 Warning Resolution - Barbara Ellis, Principal, Assigned to Bennett-Shedd Elementary School *Adopted
01-0425-EX17 Warning Resolution - Elton Harris, teacher, Assigned to Hubbard High School *Adopted
01-0425-EX18 Warning Resolution - Essie Lucas, Principal, Tilden High School *Adopted
01-0425-EX19 Warning Resolution - Joel Regulus, Teacher, Assigned to Swift Specialty School *Adopted
01-0425-EX20 Warning Resolution - Veronica Sawyer, Teacher, Dubois School *Adopted
01-0425-EX21 Warning Resolution - Gloria Schwartz, Teacher, Assigned to Young School *Adopted
01-0425-EX22 Warning Resolution - Leolivia Stallworth, Teacher, Prussing Elementary School *Adopted
01-0425-EX23 Warning Resolution - Mark Vince, Teacher, Zapata Academy *Adopted
01-0425-EX24 Principal Contracts (A) (Bradfield, Connolly, Forte, Layne) *Adopted
01-0425-EX25 Principal Contracts (B) (Bryant, LaCoste, Gonzalez, Malone, Morrow, Ollarvia, Scott-Rzechula) *Adopted
01-0425-EX26 Transfer and Appoint Deputy Budget Director, Office of Management and Budget (David Agazzi) *Adopted
01-0425-EX27 Transfer and Appoint Director of Real Estate, Department of Operations (Urie R. Clark) *Adopted

Reports from the Chief Operating Officer

01-0425-OP2 Authorization to Pay Final Just Compensation Award to Acquire 3324 West 5th Avenue for the
Construction of Marshall Faraday Campus Park
01-0425-OP3 Authorization to Purchase 252 West 103rd Place for the Construction of a new Langston
Hughes/Davis Developmental School
01-0425-OP4 Authorization to Purchase 251 West 103rd Place for the Construction of a new Langston
Hughes/Davis Developmental School
01-0425-OP5 Authorization to Purchase 256 West 103rd Place for the Construction of a new Langston
Hughes/Davis Developmental School
01-0425-OP6 Authorization to Purchase 234 West 103rd Place for the Construction of a new Langston
Hughes/Davis Developmental School
01-0425-OP7 Authorization to Purchase 232 West 103rd Place for the Construction of a new Langston
Hughes/Davis Developmental School
01-0425-OP8 Authorization to Purchase 222 West 103rd Place for the Construction of a new Langston
Hughes/Davis Developmental School
01-0425-OP9 Authorization to Purchase 10342 South Wentworth Avenue for the Construction of a new
Langston Hughes/Davis Developmental School


01-0425-RS1 Memorial Resolution for Nathalia E. Walker Adopted
01-0425-RS2 Resolution Re: The Chicago Public Schools Design Competition Adopted
01-0425-RS3 Resolution to Name the Playing Field at Eckersall Stadium as a Posthumous Honor for Bernie O鈥橞rien Adopted
01-0425-RS4 Resolution Supporting Parent/Family Involvement and Recognition of Local Schools Awarded Parent/Family Involvement Mini-grants Adopted
01-0425-RS5 Resolution Approving the Election and Appointment of Fifteen Members to the Local School
Council Advisory Board
01-0425-RS6 Resolution Further Requesting the Public Building Commission of Chicago to Undertake the
Acquisition for and Construction of the Abla Community Center Campus
01-0425-RS7 Resolution Approving Changes to the Budget of the Capital Improvement Program for the
Chicago Public Schools
01-0425-RS8 Resolution Re: Appointment of Teacher Representatives to the Local School Councils to Fill Teacher Representative Vacancies Adopted
01-0425-RS9 Resolution Re: Appointment to the Local School Council at the Tesla Alternative High School Adopted
01-0425-RS10 Resolution Re: Appointment to the Local School Council at the Ariel Community Academy Small School Adopted


01-0425-PO1 Amend Board Report 00-0223-PO2 Guidelines for Public Presentation *Adopted
01-0425-PO2 Rescind 97-0827-PO4 and Adopt Residency Policy for All Employees of the Board of Education Withdrawn
01-0425-PO3 Amend the Policy on the Closing and Consolidation of Schools *Adopted


01-0425-CO1 Communication Re: Ratify Requesting a State Waiver to make April 25, 2001 a Non-Attendance Day for 9TH, 10TH, and 12TH Grade Students (See Board Report 01-0425-EX9) *Adopted

Report from the Chief Executive Officer

01-0425-EX9 Ratify a request for State Waiver to Make April 25, 2001 a Non-Attendance Day for 9th, 10th, and 12th Grade Students *Adopted


01-0425-CO2 Communication Re: Approve Participation of Selected Chicago Public Schools Students
and Teachers in an Educational Exchange Program to Hamburg, Germany, Sponsored by
the German-American National Congress (Deutsch-Amerikanisher National Kongress - Dank)
(See Board Report 01-0425-ED15)

Report from the Chief Educational Officer

01-0425-ED15 Ratification of Action of the President Approving the Participation of Selected Chicago Public
School Students and Teachers in an Educational Exchange Program to Hamburg, Germany,
Sponsored by the German-American National Congress (Deutsch-Amerikanisher National
Kongress - DANK)


01-0425-CO3 Communication Re: 2001-2002 Schedule of Regular Board Meetings - Board of Education *No action
01-0425-CO4 Communication Re: Location of Board Meeting of May 23, 2001 (South Side College Prep, 250 East 111th Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60628) *No action

Report from the Inspector General

01-0425-IG1 Approve Exercising the Option to Renew the Agreement with Dun & Bradstreet Adopted

Report from the Chief Executive Officer

01-0425-EX1 Transfer of Funds (Various Units and Objects) Adopted

Reports from the Chief Education Officer

01-0425-ED1 Report on Student Expulsions for March 2001 Adopted
01-0425-ED2 Approve the Implementation of a Multi-Track Year-Round Schedule for John H. Hamline School Adopted
01-0425-ED3 Approve Entering Into a Participation Agreement with Chicago Academy for Urban School Leadership to Provide a Leadership Program Withdrawn

Reports from the Chief Purchasing Office

01-0425-PR1 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Chicago School Associates for Program Management
Services for the Capital Improvement Program
01-0425-PR2 Approve the Renewal of the Agreements with Various Consultants to Provide Professional Environmental Services Adopted
01-0425-PR4 Approve Exercising the Option to Extend the Agreement with Lowery McDonnell Company for
General Office, Student and Library Furniture
01-0425-PR5 Ratify the Award of Construction Contracts and Ratify or Approve Changes to Construction Contracts for the Board of Education鈥檚 Capital Improvement Program *Adopted
01-0425-PR6 Approve Entering Into an Amendment of the Existing Agreement with SRV Network, Inc. for
Consultant Services
01-0425-PR7 Approve Entering Into an Amendment of the Existing Agreement with Edge Systems, Inc. for the Purchase of Additional Hardware, Software and Maintenance Related to the New Student
Scheduling Software and the Kronos Timekeeping System
01-0425-PR8 Ratify an Agreement with Computer Associates International, Inc. for a Software License and Maintenance Adopted
01-0425-PR9 Approve Entering Into a Software License Agreement with Advanced Software Products Group,
Inc. for Software Product and Maintenance
01-0425-PR10 Amend Board Report 00-1025-PR6 Amend Board Report 00-0524-PR13 Ratify the Renewal of and Approve an Amendment to the Existing Agreement with Oracle Corporation Adopted
01-0425-PR11 Approve Exercising the First Option to Extend the Agreement with Jostens, Inc. for Supply of Diplomas and Certificates Adopted
01-0425-PR12 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Charisma, Inc. for Consulting Services Adopted
01-0425-PR13 Ratify an Agreement with the Chicago Education Alliance for Consulting Services Adopted
01-0425-PR14 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with JBH Technologies, Inc. for the Purchase of
Customized Architectural Drafting Equipment
01-0425-PR15 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with JBH Technologies, Inc. for the Purchase of
Customized Milling Equipment
01-0425-PR16 Approve Exercising the First Option to Renew the Agreement with Arthur J. Gallagher &
Company for Property Insurance Brokerage Services
01-0425-PR17 Approve Payment to Chandler/White Publishing Company, Inc. for Design Services Adopted
01-0425-PR18 Approve Entering Into Agreement with Various Universities for Occupational Therapy Services Adopted
01-0425-PR19 Amend Board Report 00-0628-PR63 Approve Exercising the Option to Renew Agreements with Various Private Specialized Schools, Authorize Agreements with Additional Private Specialized Schools, and Authorize Payments to Private Specialized Schools Adopted
01-0425-PR20 Amend Board Report 00-0628-ED3 Approve Out of District Public School Tuition Payments to Public Schools Outside of Chicago for Students with Severe Disabilities and/or Severe
Substance Abuse Problems
01-0425-PR21 Ratify an Agreement with Kinney & Associates for Consulting Services Adopted
01-0425-PR22 Ratify Exercising the Option to Renew the Agreement with Robert P. Storozuk for Consultant Services Adopted
01-0425-PR23 Approve Payment to National Louis University/Children鈥檚 Literacy Project for Consultant Services Adopted
01-0425-PR24 Approve Payment to Ombudsman Educational Services for Tutoring Services to High
School Seniors

Delegable Reports

Reports from the Chief Executive Officer

01-0425-EX2 Department of Human Resources Summary of Teacher New Hires, Transfers, and Leaves,
Quarterly Summary (January, February, March 2001)
01-0425-EX3 Department of Human Resources Summary of Educational Support Personnel New Hires,
Transfers, Leaves, Layoffs, Promotions, and Separations Quarterly Summary
(January, February, March 2001)
01-0425-EX4 Department of Human Resources Summary of Conference Leaves: Administrators, Teachers
and Educational Support Personnel Quarterly Summary (January, February, March 2001)
01-0425-EX5 Department of Human Resources Summary of Resignations and Deaths Quarterly Report (January, February, March 2001) Accepted
01-0425-EX6 Department of Human Resources Summary of Salary Adjustments Quarterly Report
(January, February, March 2001)
01-0425-EX7 Department of Human Resources Summary of Assistant Principal Appointments Quarterly Summary (January, February, March 2001) Accepted
01-0425-EX8 Summary of Bureau of Labor and Employee Relations Disciplinary Actions Quarterly Report
(January, February, March 2001)

Reports from the Chief Educational Officer

01-0425-ED4 Omnibus Report: Authorize the Acceptance of School-Based Grants Accepted
01-0425-ED5 Authorize the Acceptance of a Donation from the Christopher Zorich Foundation to the Chicago Public Schools and the Office of Curriculum and Instruction Accepted
01-0425-ED6 Omnibus Report: Authorize the Acceptance of Grants Accepted
01-0425-ED7 2001-2002 Year Round Calendar Accepted
01-0425-ED8 Approve the Participation of Lane Tech High School in a Spain Exchange and Authorize Related Expenses Accepted
01-0425-ED9 Approve the Participation of Northwest Middle School in a Five Day Education Tour of Washington D.C. and Authorize Travel Expenses Relation to the Program Accepted
01-0425-ED10 Approve the Participation of Mary Mapes Dodge Elementary School in an Educational Tour to
Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Canada and Authorize Expenses Related to the Program
01-0425-ED11 Approve the Participation of John Hancock High School Students and Staff in an Educational
Tour to Washington, D.C., and Authorize Travel Expenses Related to the Program
01-0425-ED12 Approve the Participation of John Hancock High School Students and Staff in an Educational
Tour of Quebec City, Quebec, and Authorize Expenses Related to the Program
01-0425-ED13 Approve the Participation of Marconi Academy in African American History Tour and Authorize
Expenses Related to the Program
01-0425-ED14 Approve Extension of Sabbatical Leave for Helen C. Jones-Woods Accepted

Reports from the Chief Operating Officer

01-0425-OP1 Ratify a Lease Agreement with the University of Chicago Charter School Corporation for Use
of Space at the Shakespeare School Building at 1119 East 46th Street

Reports from General Counsel

01-0425-AR1 Report on Board Report Rescissions Accepted
01-0425-AR2 Report on Monthly Board Rescissions Accepted
*Presented at the meeting

I, Susan J. Narrajos, Secretary, do hereby certify that the reports listed and the action noted opposite each report number is correct and reflects the order in which items were presented to the Board.

Susan J. Narrajos