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Actions: September 22, 2004

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Non-delegable board reports that require member action


04-0922-MO1 Motion to Close *Adopted

Reports from the General Counsel

04-0922-AR3 Authorize Continued Retention of the Law Offices of Steven M. Laduzinsky, P.C. *Accepted
04-0922-AR4 Authorize the Continued Retention of the Law Firm Neal, Murdock & Leroy, L.L.C. *Accepted
04-0922-AR5 Authorize Payment to Settle the Matter of Dorothy Appiah v. Chicago Public Schools, Case No. 03 C 3180 *Adopted
04-0922-AR6 Approve Settlement Recommendation in Dispute with Myrtle Burton-Sahara *Adopted
04-0922-AR7 Approve Settlement and Mutual Release Agreement with C&C Dairy, Inc., Bob’s Dairy Services, Terry Gillund d/b/a/ Gillund Dairy and Krystal Dairy, Inc. *Adopted
04-0922-AR8 Workers’ Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for James Caulfield, Case # 03 WC 54650 *Adopted
04-0922-AR9 Workers’ Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for Kathleen Kornhaber, Case # 00 WC 1103 *Adopted
04-0922-AR10 Workers’ Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for Kenneth Blazevich, Case # 97 WC 9869 *Adopted
04-0922-AR11 Workers’ Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for Philistine Hale, Case # 01 WC 3039 *Adopted
04-0922-AR12 Workers’ Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for Kathy Marassa, Case # 00 WC 25196 *Adopted
04-0922-AR13 Workers’ Compensation – Payment for Lump Sum Settlement for Sylvester Swiercz, Case # 02 WC 31809 *Adopted
04-0922-AR14 Workers’ Compensation – Second Injury and Rate Adjustment Fund *Adopted
04-0922-AR15 Amend Board Report 04-0728-AR9 Authorize Additional Expenditure of Funds for Court Appointed Monitor in the Matter of Corey H. v. Board of Education of the City of Chicago, et al., Case No. 92 C 3409 *Adopted

Reports from the Chief Executive Officer

04-0922-EX3 Principal Contracts (A) (Garcia; Smith) *Adopted
04-0922-EX4 Principal Contracts (B) (Stewart) *Adopted
04-0922-EX5 Amend Board Report 04-0825-EX2 Principal Contracts (A) (Boston; Espinoza; Hobbs; Miller; Perry; Ratkovich) *Adopted
04-0922-EX6 Appoint Renaissance Regional Officer (Karen L. Daniels) *Adopted
04-0922-EX7 Rescind Warning Resolution – John Branch, Teacher, Assigned to Chicago Vocational Career Academy *Adopted
04-0922-EX8 Warning Resolution – Joan Buban, A Teacher, Assigned to Mahalia Jackson School *Adopted
04-0922-EX9 Warning Resolution – Robert Gaither, A Teacher, Assigned to Ulysses S. Grant Elementary School *Adopted
04-0922-EX10 Request for Dismissal of Eric Anderson, School Aide, Brunson School *Adopted
04-0922-EX11 Request for Dismissal of Blondell Applewhite, Lunchroom Attendant, Nettlehorst Elementary School *Adopted
04-0922-EX12 Request for Dismissal of Kartika Harper, Child Welfare Attendant, Gary Elementary School *Adopted
04-0922-EX13 Request for Dismissal of Cynthia James, Lunchroom Attendant, Cluster Four Lunchroom Services *Adopted
04-0922-EX14 Request for Dismissal of Phyllis Reid, Cook III, Cluster Four Lunchroom Services *Adopted
04-0922-EX15 Request for Dismissal of Steven Stokley, Watchman, Bureau of Safety and Security, and Farragut Career Academy High School *Adopted
04-0922-EX16 Request for Dismissal of Alvin Warr, Porter, Shields Elementary School *Adopted

Reports from the Board of Education

04-0922-RS5 Resolution by the Board of Education of the City of Chicago Regarding the Dismissal of Eric Anderson, School Aide, Assigned to Brunson Elementary School *Adopted
04-0922-RS6 Resolution by the Board of Education of the City of Chicago Regarding the Dismissal of Blondell Applewhite, Lunchroom Attendant, Assigned to Nettlehorst Elementary School *Adopted
04-0922-RS7 Resolution by the Board of Education of the City of Chicago Regarding the Dismissal of Kartika Harper, Child Welfare Attendant, Assigned to Gary Elementary School *Adopted
04-0922-RS8 Resolution by the Board of Education of the City of Chicago Regarding the Dismissal of Cynthia James, Lunchroom Attendant, Assigned to Cluster Four Lunchroom Services *Adopted
04-0922-RS9 Resolution by the Board of Education of the City of Chicago Regarding the Dismissal of Phyllis Reid, Cook III, Assigned to Cluster Four Lunchroom Services *Adopted
04-0922-RS10 Resolution by the Board of Education of the City of Chicago Regarding the Dismissal of Steven Stokley, Watchman, Assigned to the Bureau of Safety and Security and Farragut Academy High School *Adopted
04-0922-RS11 Resolution by the Board of Education of the City of Chicago Regarding the Dismissal of Alvin Warr, Porter, Assigned to Shields Elementary School *Adopted

Reports from the Chief Executive Officer

04-0922-EX17 Remove and Replace the Principal of Bouchet Math & Science Academy and Terminate the Principal’s Contract *Adopted
04-0922-EX18 Remove and Replace the Principal of Fenger Academy High School and Terminate the Principal’s Contract *Adopted
04-0922-EX19 Remove and Replace the Principal of Yale Elementary School and Terminate the Principal’s Contract *Adopted

Reports from the Board of Education

04-0922-RS12 Resolution by the Board of Education of the City of Chicago Regarding the Removal and Replacement of the Principal of Bouchet Math & Science Academy and the Termination of the Principal’s Contract *Adopted
04-0922-RS13 Resolution by the Board of Education of the City of Chicago Regarding the Removal and Replacement of the Principal of Fenger Academy High School and the Termination of the Principal’s Contract *Adopted
04-0922-RS14 Resolution by the Board of Education of the City of Chicago Regarding the Removal and Replacement of the Principal of Yale Elementary School and the Termination of the Principal’s Contract *Adopted
04-0922-RS15 Resolution Authorizing the Honorable Termination of Regularly Certified and Appointed Teachers *Adopted

Reports from the Chief Operating Officer

04-0922-OP8 Authorization to Purchase 432 North Kedzie for the Construction of a New Westinghouse Career Academy *Adopted
04-0922-OP9 Authorization to Accept Title and Possession of Three Vacant Lots from the City of Chicago for the Construction of a Campus Park for Revere Elementary School *Adopted
04-0922-OP10 Authorization to Pay Just Compensation Award to Acquire 6723 South Hermitage for the Construction of a New Miles Davis Academy *Adopted
04-0922-OP11 Amend Board Report 04-0128-OP11 Approve a Lease Agreement with 7-Eleven, Inc. for Rental of Space at 125 South Clark Street and Authorize Payment of Real Estate Broker’s Commission *Adopted

Unfinished Business - July 28, 2004 Board Meeting

04-0728-PO7 Amend Board Report 03-0827-PO01 Amend Board Report 02-0522-PO02 Amend Board Report 01-1024-PO1 Guidelines for Public Presentation *Adopted

Unfinished Business - July 28, 2004 Board Meeting

04-0728-RU2 Amend Board Rules 2-5, 2-5.1, 2-27, 5-4, 5-4.1, 5-5, 5-6, 5-7, 5-8, 5-9, 5-13.1, 5-21, 5-22 and 5-29 and Repeal Board Rules 5-10.2, 5-11, 5-14 and 5-20 *Adopted as amended

Unfinished Business - August 25, 2004 Board Meeting

04-0825-RS3 Resolution Request to Convey the Board of Education’s Reversionary Interest in the East Half of the North-South Alley Bounded by West Pryor to the North, West Monterey to the South, South Hermosa to the East and South Esmond to the West, to the Public Building Commission of Chicago Adopted
04-0825-RS4 Resolution Authorizing Certain Board Officials to Negotiate an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Chicago Concerning the Receipt of Empowerment Zone Funds for Juarez Community Academy *Adopted as amended
04-0825-RS5 Resolution Adopting the Annual School Budget for Fiscal Year 2005 [Note: Addressed in the Communications Section (Emergency Action) See 04-0922-CO1] Accepted
04-0825-RS6 Resolution Approving the Capital Improvement Program (Fiscal Year 2005) for the Chicago Public Schools [Note: Addressed in the Communications Section (Emergency Action) See 04-0922-CO1] Accepted
04-0825-RS7 Resolution Re: Appointment of Teacher Representative to the Local School Council to Fill Teacher Representative Vacancy Adopted

Unfinished Business - August 25, 2004 Board Meeting

04-0825-PO1 Amend Board Report 03-1022-PO3 {{Adopt a}} Policy for New Teacher Induction [Note: Addressed in the Communications Section (Emergency Action) See 04-0922-CO1] Accepted
04-0825-PO2 Amend Board Report 01-0822-PO2 {{Adopt a}} Residency Policy for All Employees of the Board of Education Deferred
04-0825-PO3 Adopt a New Information Security Policy *Adopted

Unfinished Business - August 25, 2004 Board Meeting

04-0825-CO1 Communication Re: Amend Board Report 04-0526-CO3 2004-2005 Schedule of Regular Board Meetings – Board of Education, City of Chicago *No action


04-0922-RS1 Resolution Honoring Giacomo Mancuso, Director of School Demographics and Planning *Accepted as amended
04-0922-RS2 Resolution Re: Connie Thomas Retired Principal of the William Brown Elementary School Accepted
04-0922-RS3 Resolution Re: Dr. Caliz Gil Education Advisor for the Spanish Embassy Accepted
04-0922-RS4 Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of General Obligation Alternate Bonds of the Board of Education of the City of Chicago, in an Aggregate Principal Amount Not to Exceed $965,000,000, Pursuant to the School Code and the Local Government Debt Reform Act Adopted


04-0922-PO1 Amend Board Report 03-0225-PO01 Adopt Policy Establishing the Formal Governance Structure for the Chicago Public Schools’ Head Start Program *Adopted
04-0922-PO2 Amend Board Report 01-1024-PO3 Policy on Full-Time Teacher Certification *Adopted
04-0922-PO3 Adopt a New Student Social and Emotional Health Policy *Adopted
04-0922-PO4 Adopt a New Policy to Establish Renaissance Schools *Adopted

Board Rules

04-0922-RU1 Amend Board Rule 4-45.1 Special On-Loan Leave of Absence Without Loss of Salary – Members of the Teaching Force and Administrators *Adopted
04-0922-RU2 Amend Board Rule 6-25 Use of School Buildings After Regular Hours of Building Operation *Adopted


04-0922-CO1 Communication Re: Resolution Adopting the Annual School Budget for Fiscal Year 2005 (04-0825-RS5); Resolution Approving the Capital Improvement Program (Fiscal Year 2005) for the Chicago Public Schools (04-0825-RS6); and, Amend Board Report 03-1022-PO3 Adopt a Policy for New Teacher Induction (04-0825-PO1) *No action
04-0825-RS5 Resolution Adopting the Annual School Budget for Fiscal Year 2005 *Adopted
04-0825-RS6 Resolution Approving the Capital Improvement Program (Fiscal Year 2005) for the Chicago Public Schools *Adopted
04-0825-PO1 Amend Board Report 03-1022-PO03 Adopt a Policy for New Teacher Induction *Adopted
04-0922-CO2 Communication Re: Personal Injury – Authorize Payment of Settlement for Janetta LeFlore, Case # 02 L 474 (04-0922-AR2) and, Approve Entering Into a Lease Agreement with the Architecture, Construction and Engineering Technical Charter School for Use of a Portion the School Building Located at 5410 South State Street (04-0922-OP7) *No action
04-0922-AR2 Personal Injury - Authorize Payment of Settlement for Janetta LeFlore, Case # 02 L 474 *Adopted
04-0922-OP7 Approve Entering Into a Lease Agreement with the Architecture, Construction and Engineering Technical Charter School for Use of a Portion of the School Building Located at 5410 South State Street *Adopted
04-0922-CO3 Location of Board Meeting of October 27, 2004 125 South Clark Street – Board Chamber *No action

Reports from the Chief Executive Officer

04-0922-EX1 Transfer of Funds Adopted
04-0922-EX2 Approve the Implementation of Controlled Enrollment at Durkin Park Elementary School Adopted

Reports from the Chief Education Officer

04-0922-ED1 Report on Student Expulsions for August 2004 Adopted
04-0922-ED2 Approve Entering Into Agreements with DePaul University and WITS for Tutoring Services Adopted
04-0922-ED3 Approve Entering Into a Practical Nursing Program Agreement with the Department of Veterans Affairs Adopted
04-0922-ED4 Approve Entering Into Consulting Agreements with Various Universities for the Advanced Reading Development Demonstration Project Adopted
04-0922-ED5 Approve Exercising the Option to Renew the Agreement with Frances Mosby Oden (Williams Multiplex) Adopted
04-0922-ED6 Authorize Tuition Payment to DePaul University Adopted
04-0922-ED7 Ratify Agreements with Various Agencies for Early Childhood Educational Services Adopted
04-0922-ED8 Ratify Agreements with Various Agencies for Services to Pregnant and Parenting Teens Adopted
04-0922-ED9 Amend Board Report 04-0825-ED7 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with DePaul Center for Urban Education for Consulting Services Adopted

Reports from the Chief Purchasing Officer

04-0922-PR1 Ratify the Award of Construction Contracts and Ratify or Approve Changes to Construction Contracts for the Board of Education’s Capital Improvement Program Adopted
04-0922-PR2 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with A&R Janitorial Services, Inc. to Provide Professional Custodian Management Services at 125 South Clark Street Building Adopted
04-0922-PR3 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Central Poly Corp. for the Purchase of Plastic Liners Adopted
04-0922-PR4 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Hill Environmental Operations, Inc. for Building Engineering Services Adopted
04-0922-PR5 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with OCE Business Services for Mail and Pre-Sort Mail Services Adopted
04-0922-PR6 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Chicago School Associates (CSA) for Program Management Services for the Capital Improvement Program Adopted
04-0922-PR7 Approve the Extension of the Existing Agreement with U.S. Equities Asset Management, LLC for Property Management Services Adopted
04-0922-PR8 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Learning Point Associates for Consulting Services Deferred
04-0922-PR9 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Omicron, Inc. for School Key Card Systems Adopted
04-0922-PR10 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with the Metiri Group for Assessment Development and Program Evaluation Services Adopted
04-0922-PR11 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Blackwell Consulting Services for the Purchase of Computer and Equipment Maintenance Services Adopted
04-0922-PR12 Approve the Renewal of a Software License Agreement with IBM for Software Product and Maintenance Adopted
04-0922-PR13 Amend Board Report 04-0623-PR8 Amend Board Report 03-0924-PR09 Amend Board Report 03-0625-PR11 Amend Board Report 01-1219-PR21 Approve the Renewal of the Agreement with SBC DataComm (f/k/a SBC Global Services, Inc. for Local Area Network (LAN) Construction Services Services Adopted
04-0922-PR14 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with the Consortium on Chicago School Research for Consulting Services Adopted
04-0922-PR15 Ratify the Option to Renew the Agreements with Various Vendors for Parent Outreach Services Adopted
04-0922-PR16 Ratify the Exercising of the Second Option to Renew the Agreement with Richard J. Guidice for Consulting Services Adopted
04-0922-PR17 Ratify the Exercising of the Second Option to Renew the Agreement with Vincent R. Williams and Associates P.C. for Consulting Services Adopted
04-0922-PR18 Ratify the Exercising of the Second Option to Renew the Agreement with J. Alexander Hunt Incorporated for Consulting Services Adopted
04-0922-PR19 Ratify the Exercising of the Second Option to Renew the Agreement with William H. Luking and Associates for Consulting Services Adopted
04-0922-PR20 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with the Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago for the College Excel Program in Culinary Arts Adopted
04-0922-PR21 Approve Entering Into a License Agreement with Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority for the Use of McCormick Place North Hall B-1 for the 7th Annual High School Fair Adopted
04-0922-PR22 Approve Payment to Freeman Company for Exhibition Setup for the 7th Annual High School Fair Adopted
04-0922-PR23 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with The Diversity Training Group Inc. for On-Line Sexual Harassment Training Course Adopted
04-0922-PR24 Amend Board Report 03-1217-PR31 Approve Exercising the First Option to Renew the Agreement with Art’s Investigations and Security Inc. for Fingerprinting Services Adopted
04-0922-PR25 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with Canon Business Solutions for the Purchase of Copiers and Maintenance (Jones College Prep) Adopted
04-0922-PR26 Approve Exercising the Option to Renew the Agreement with B. Gregg Mootry for Consulting Services (Ninos Heroes Academy) Adopted
04-0922-PR27 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with SGA Youth & Family Services for Consulting Services (Shields School) Adopted
04-0922-PR28 Approve Payment to Educational Specialties, Inc. for Consulting Services Adopted
04-0922-PR29 Amend Board Report 03-1119-PR24 Approve Entering Into an Agreement with the University of Illinois at Chicago for Consulting Services Adopted
04-0922-PR30 Approve the Renewal of the Existing Agreement with ARAG Group to Provide Access to Legal Services Network for Chicago Public School Employees Adopted
04-0922-PR31 Approve Exercising the Option to Renew the Agreement with KPMG for Consulting Services Adopted
04-0922-PR32 Approve the Renewal of the Existing Agreement with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to Provide Group Financial Planning Services for Chicago Public School Employees Adopted
04-0922-PR33 Authorize Placement of the Board’s Liability Insurance Through Mesirow Insurance Services, Inc. Adopted
04-0922-PR34 Approve the Pre-Qualification Status of and Approve Entering Into Agreements with Various Providers to Provide Social, Emotional and Educational Consulting Services Adopted


Reports from the Chief Operating Officer

04-0922-OP1 Amend Board Report 03-0924-OP04 Authorize the Acceptance of a School Construction Grant from the Illinois Capital Development Board Accepted
04-0922-OP2 Ratify a License Agreement with Bethel Missionary Baptist Church for Use of Space at Gresham School Accepted
04-0922-OP3 Ratify a Lease Renewal Agreement with the Perspectives Charter School for Use of the School Building Located at 1915 South Federal Street Accepted
04-0922-OP4 Ratify Entering Into a Lease Agreement with Commonwealth Edison Company Regarding Use of Space at 125 South Clark Accepted
04-0922-OP5 Ratify a Lease Agreement with Partnership for Chicago Schools, a Joint Venture for Use of Space at 125 South Clark Accepted
04-0922-OP6 Ratify a Lease Agreement with Tishman Construction Corporation of Illinois for Use of Space at 125 South Clark Accepted

Reports from the Chief Education Officer

04-0922-ED10 Omnibus Report: Authorize the Acceptance of Grants Accepted
04-0922-ED11 Omnibus Report: Authorize the Acceptance of School-Based Grants Accepted
04-0922-ED12 Approve Chicago Sister Cities International Sister Schools Abroad Program Teacher Exchange Special Leave Without Loss of Salary – Nora Flynn Accepted
04-0922-ED13 Approve Sabbatical Leave for Cassandra Barnes Accepted
04-0922-ED14 Approve Sabbatical Leave for Cindy Sanders Accepted
04-0922-ED15 Approve Special Leave of Absence for Members of the Teaching Force and Educational Support Personnel Accepted
04-0922-ED16 Approve Special On-Loan Leave for Oscar D. Newman Accepted

Reports from the Chief Operating Officer

04-0922-AR1 Report on Board Report Rescissions *Accepted as amended
*Presented at the meeting

I, Susan J. Narrajos, Secretary, do hereby certify that the reports listed and the action noted opposite each report number is correct and reflects the order in which items were presented to the Board.

Susan J. Narrajos