BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// DDay.iCal 1.0//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:The meeting will be held at CPS Loop Office\, 42 West Madison S treet\, Garden Level\, Board Room. The Board President and the Chief Execu tive Officer have determined that registered speakers who wish to present during Public Participation may have the option to participate in person a t the location of the Board meeting or virtually via an electronic platfor m. The public will have access to the meeting via live stream at cpsboe.or g.\nThe Public Participation segment of the meeting will begin as indicate d in the meeting agenda and proceed in accordance with Public Participatio n guidelines. Board Meetings will be live-streamed to the general public o n the Board website ( \nFor the May 23\, 2024 Board Meetin g\, advance registration to speak will be available beginning Tuesday\, Ma y 21st at 10:30 a.m. and will close on Wednesday\, May 22nd at 5:00 p.m.\, or until all slots are filled. Advance registration during this period is available by the following methods:\n\nOnline: (recommende d)\nPhone: (773) 553-1600\n\nMembers of the public who wish to submit writ ten comments for Board of Education meetings can do so via the Written Com ments Form on the Board’s website at or mailed to 1 N Dearb orn\, Suite 950. Written comments received between the posting of the publ ic agenda and notice is posted through 5 p.m. the day after the Board of E ducation meeting will be submitted to the Board for their consideration an d posted within five (5) business days on our website at DTEND:20240523T103000 DTSTAMP:20241221T114735 DTSTART:20240523T103000 LOCATION:CPS Loop Office Chicago\, IL 60602 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Monthly board meeting UID:e840360b-2d0a-4c01-b81e-184e9c315678 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR